With both Chrysler and now GM acquiring buyers for their European operations, a score card is emerging about the winners and losers in Europe in the biggest-ever upheaval in the global car-making industry.

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While the EU and the new U.S. Administration are trying to harmonize their views, trade in food and regulations regarding biotechnology remain among the most delicate areas in transatlantic trade negotiations, in part because of the different backgrounds on which public opinions are based. Dan Rotenberg, Counselor for Agricultural Affairs at the Delegation of the European Commission addressed  the status of the Doha Trade Talks in this sector. His colleague at the Delegation, Dr. Wolf-Martin Maier, Counselor for Food Safety, Health and Consumer Affairs addressed questions regarding food safety and consumer protection regulations.
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, French Minister of State for Forward Planning and Development of the Digital Economy, discussed how the ICT sector can facilitate the switch to a low-carbon economy and also promote sustainable growth. The digital industry, known for innovation and the rapid deployment of new technologies, is in a position to play an important role in the transition to a green economy as it impacts on all sectors of activities.

Martin Donnelly, Senior Partner at Ofcom, the United Kingdom’s communications industry regulator, offered his analysis of global developments in terms of open markets, approaches to competition, and trends in investment flows in and out of markets, looking at national, regional and global standpoint. Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate of the Federal Communications Commission presented the U.S. perspective.

Raffaele Liberali, Director of Energy Research, DG Research, European Commission, in charge of the implementation of the Non-Nuclear Energy priority of the 7th Framework Programme, discussed the EU’s Strategic Energy Technology-Plan (SET-Plan) which is meant to accelerate innovation of low carbon energy technologies whilst encouraging European industry to turn threats of climate change and insecurity of supply into opportunities to increase competitiveness. This meeting was held following the June 10 EU-U.S. Summit in Brdo, Slovenia, where transatlantic cooperation in energy research and technology development was highlighted. The U.S. perspective was presented by Dr. Phyllis Yoshida, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Energy Cooperation, U.S. Department of Energy.