On January 10, 2014, The European Institute in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy hosted a luncheon discussion with The Honorable Maria Chiara Carrozza, Italian Minister for Education, Universities and Research.  Minister Carrozza discussed the vital importance of furthering transatlantic research and innovation cooperation and of strengthening the European Science and Technology Union. During Italy’s upcoming Presidency of the Council of the European Union, she said, priority will be given to ensuring continuity in the implementation of the European Union’s ambitious Horizon 2020 initiative. Michael Nelson, Principal Technology Policy Strategist at Microsoft moderated the discussion.

Click here to read Minister Carrozza's remarks.

alexanderpriviteraThe recent publication of a United States (U.S.) Treasury report characterizing Germany as a risk to the world economy because of the huge surplus in its trade balance, highlights how for many U.S. economists the German economic model remains deeply flawed. Indeed, this is not the first time that the U.S. government has pointed a finger at Germany’s massive current account surpluses and branded them a source of dangerous global imbalances.

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garretmartinWhile it is too early to say that the creation of the European External Action Service two and a half years ago has created a truly coordinated European foreign policy, it is very much correct to say that the Lady Catherine Ashton, who has headed that organization since its founding, has become a significant player in international diplomacy.   Her several successes have been recently capped by her role in Iran nuclear deal, where she played a hands-on and critical part in bringing the historic agreement to fruition. She has been widely praised for being the key interlocutor with Iranian Foreign Minister Javid Zarif in the talks, which involved long hours of discussion between just the two of them. And when the agreement was announced and signed, it was Ashton and Zarif who met at the Geneva’s Palais des Nations to formally sign the pact.

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On December 5, 2013, The European Institute in partnership with the European Parliament Liaison Office with the U.S. Congress convened a breakfast discussion with The Honorable Tonino Picula, Member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Croatia, and The Honorable Davor Ivo Stier, Member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs. The discussion focused on the lessons learned from Croatia’s accession to the European Union and the future of EU enlargement in the Western Balkans in order to promote peace, stability, and prosperity.

spellmanU.S. and European Union officials finished their second round of talks earlier last month in Brussels, largely it seems to demonstrate that a “constructive” process is underway to establish the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). At this early stage, there are few signs of progress in addressing any of the most difficult and complex issues that will determine if the world’s two largest markets form a free trade union.

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