British Defense Cuts Should Be Opportunity For U.S. To Pursue Alliance-Wide Debate About Restructuring Forces Together

(October 20) -- While Obama administration officials have voiced disappointment about UK cuts in the military budget and the possible risk of seeking it increase the load on Washington, a more nuanced reaction comes from a former U.S. ambassador to NATO, Robert Hunter.


Merkel Stokes Immigration Debate in Germany

(October 18) Diving into Germany’s growing anti-immigration debate this week, Chancellor Angela Merkel branded her country’s “multiculturalism” a “total failure”. Speaking at a meeting of youth members of the Christian Democratic Union in Potsdam, Merkel said “At the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country. We kidded ourselves for a while - we said, ‘They won’t stay and sometime they will be gone.’  But this isn’t reality. And of course, the multicultural approach and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."


When Chips Were Down On Euro, Obama Showed U.S. Support, "Not Schadenfreude”

(October 13) The U.S. played a substantial role – and a very constructive one – in helping European leaders crystallize their rescue last spring of the eurozone, according to a reconstruction of some critical moments in the crisis.


Cyprus Turns 50 — But Turkish Troops Still Hold Northern Sector


(October 12)  One of Europe’s most intractable conundrum—the island Republic of Cyprus—is celebrating its 50th year as an independent nation.  The celebration is muted, however, by another anniversary—the 36th year since Turkish troops (now numbering 43,000) took control of nearly 40 percent of the island and effectively displaced 180,000 Greek Cypriot refugees.

Burqa Ban in France Gets Final Approval; Similar Bans Spreading Across Europe

(October 13)  The Conseil Constitutionnel, France’s top legal authority and guardian of the constitution, approved a law last week previously passed by both chambers of the French parliament banning the wearing of full-face veils in public places. While many expected the Constitutional Council to overturn the law, it ruled instead that the law "conforms" with the constitution and does not encroach on civil liberties, so long as the law does not apply to public places of worship where it could violate the practice of religious freedom.