Hosted by H.E. Urs Ziswiler, Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States, the meeting was an opportunity to discuss the economic, security and environmental agenda for European-American relations in view of the current financial crisis, upcoming presidential and congressional elections in the U.S., the political situation in the European Union, and recent developments in the Caucasus. Luc Véron, Minister-Counselor and Head of the Political and Development Section of the Delegation of the European Commission, gave an overview of the European Commission’s priorities as the EU faces the consequences of the Irish “no” to the Lisbon Treaty, the end of the Barroso Commission’s term and upcoming European parliamentary elections. William Lucas, Director of European Union and Regional Affairs for the US State Department, discussed recent events in the Caucuses and their effects on US-EU relations, as well as the need for transatlantic cooperation to deal with a potential resurgence of Russian power. Christian Stenberg, First Secretary of the Economic Section of the Royal Danish Embassy, presented the Nordic perspective of the challenges created by climate change. Massimo Calabresi, White House Correspondent for Time Magazine offered an analysis of the 2009 Presidential and Congressional elections and their impact on transatlantic relations.