"A Stopgap for Climate Change" by Elisabeth Rosenthal. A new UN report says: targeting "black carbon" (soot) could immediately begin to protect climate, public health, water and food security, and ecosystems. This idea seems more otimely than ever in a political situation tilted against big programs to curb carbon emissions. See the piece published by European Affairs here, after a European Institute meeting that aired the subject of black carbon in the Arctic.
On both sides of the Atlantic, and indeed around the world, we face the twin challenges of energy security and global climate-change. And in both Europe and America lie much of the world’s expertise on the clean-energy technologies needed to address these challenges: energy efficiency technology for buildings, industry and transport, renewable energy technology, nuclear-energy technology and the technology for carbon capture-and-storage.
EU and U.S. Need to Imagine the Planet's Future TogetherThe Washington office of the European Commission’s Delegation represents the EU in the U.S. Interestingly, it pre-dates not only the Commission but even the EU and even the EEC. It was set up in 1954, under the auspices of Jean Monnet, two years after the day in 1952 when the United States recognized the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)—the first non-member to extend international recognition to this seminal entity. In opening the ECSC office in Washington in 1954, Monnet was partly motivated by a political setback in Europe when plans for a European Defense Community fell through. He was concerned that U.S. officials might lose enthusiasm for the European integration project and wanted to make a move to maintain momentum in Washington.
Since 2004, the mission has been headed by Ambassador John Bruton. A former Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach), he helped transform the Irish economy into the “Celtic Tiger.” He served as Finance Minister in the 1980s. And during his tenure as Taoiseach from 1994 to 1997, Ireland had one of the fastest-expanding economies of the world, growing at an annual average rate of 8.7 percent, peaking at 11.1 percent in 1997.
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