The European Institute’s Roundtable on Defense and Security addresses substantive ways to maximize defense, security and political cooperation between Europe and the United States, within the context of the institutional evolution of NATO and European defense policies. Central to this ongoing initiative are the relationships between NATO, the European Union, and national governments on both sides of the Atlantic. The Roundtable specifically explores the roles of foreign and security policy institutions, as well as the impact of geopolitical developments on the management of security issuesand transatlantic defense industries. Developed in cooperation with NATO, member states and the European Commission, the Roundtable serves as an important forum for transatlantic dialogue on such key issues as the evolution of NATO’s new strategic concept, defense industry consolidation, interoperability, defense procurement policies, and the growing role of soft power in U.S. and European defense policies.
Recent Meetings:
Article Information
Created on 04 December 2014
On December 4, 2014, The European Institute hosted a breakfast discussion with The Honorable Marko Mihkelson, Member of the Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) & Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee who assessed the rapidly evolving global security environment facing both Europe and the United States. Mr. Mihkelson emphasized that the current situation in Ukraine and Europe’s Eastern neighborhood presents a challenge not only to Estonia but to all countries that respect international law share common values, and he stressed the importance of updating the European Security Strategy which has not been revised since 2003.
Article Information
Created on 20 April 2014
On April 30, 2014, The European Institute held a breakfast discussion with Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency on the challenges facing the transatlantic security alliance. General Flynn addressed the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, the impact of the Edward Snowden revelations, and stressed the vital importance of stronger cooperation between the United States and Europe in tackling critical global security issues.
Article Information
Created on 12 November 2013
On November 12, 2013, The European Institute, in partnership with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia hosted a special meeting with The Honorable Roman Jakic, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia to discuss the future of Euro-Atlantic security integration. Minister Jakic focused on the prospects for greater regional cooperation in the Balkans, the prospects for NATO enlargement in 2014, and the vital role that NATO continues to play in insuring security for both Europe and the United States in a rapidly changing global strategic environment.
Click here to read Minister Jakic's remarks.
Article Information
Created on 20 September 2013
On September 20, 2013, The European Institute, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, convened a luncheon discussion with The Honorable Kristian Vigenin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.The meeting focused on the implications of the Syrian crisis for both Europe and Bulgaria. Minister Vigenin called for increased security and technical assistance to handle the steady flow of Syrian refugees to his country as well as for greater solidarity from Bulgaria’s European neighbors in providing humanitarian assistance for the refugees. He also expressed hope that a resolution could be agreed upon during the United Nations General Assembly for an effective dismantling of Syria’s chemical weapons capability, and warily welcomed the marked change of tenor from Tehran’s leadership.
Article Information
Created on 15 December 2011
On December 15th, in cooperation with NATO, The European Institute held a luncheon meeting to discuss U.S.- EU-NATO relations. Panelists included: Antonella Cerasino, Head of the Countries Section, Public Diplomacy Division, NATO; Ambassador Robert Hunter, Director of the Center for Transatlantic Security Studies in the Institute for National Strategic Studies as the National Defense University; Ambassador Kurt Volker, Managing Director and Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies; Brigadier General Bruno Caitucoli, Defense Attaché at the Embassy of France; and Rory Domm, Political Counselor at the Delegation of the European Union. The discussion was moderated by Leo Michel, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University. This is part of a series of events the Institute will hold in the walkup to the NATO Summit in Chicago in May 2012.