Economic Crisis Triggers Police Backlash Against Illegal Immigrants in Spain

Police in Madrid have been assigned secret quotas of the number of illegal immigrants to arrest – apparently aimed at responding to Spain’s rising unemployment, according to the Financial Times. The country’s main industry, construction, has been hard hit by a real-estate collapse and its ranks reportedly contain many “undocumented” workers from North Africa, eastern Europe and Latin America.

Global Economic Meltdown Fells Latvia's Government - Will Other EU Leaders Also Fall Victim to Violent Social Uprisings

The Latvian Prime Minister, Ivars Godmanis, has resigned under popular pressure and violent protests against his center-right coalition government. The collapse of his government fits a pattern that started in Iceland, where the government fell last month as a result of social unrest due to the impact of the economic recession.


Tymoshenko Victorious in Gas Wars

The only winner in the recent energy standoff between Russia and the Ukraine was Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who is now viewed as having wrested the least-bad deal for Ukraine in her bargaining with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.


“Dirty” Secret About Clean Wind Energy: It Doesn’t Reduce CO2 Emissions in EU, Yet

The booming business in wind and new “renewables” has got Europe all fired up, especially Germany, a world leader in wind-energy production. Its promise is regularly touted in a blaze of publicity.