Minimizing the Implications of Britain's Defense Cuts (7/24)

By Michael Mosettig, Former Foreign Editor, PBS News Hour

It was a tough sell to a worried and skeptical audience, but British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond insisted that his country's military, going through a severe round of budget cuts, will remain "advanced enough to operate alongside the United States anywhere in the world."


EU-U.S. Free Trade Agreement Gets Boost from Interim Report (7/20)

By Justine Revenaz, Editorial Assistant at “European Affairs”

While no one expects an EU-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to be completed in this U.S. election year, prospects for a pact in the medium term future have brightened with the publication of a favorable interim report from a joint U.S.-EU working group. The report and background surrounding it is the subject of a recent article in European Affairs.


Chinese FDI Growth In Developed Countries Soars; Germany Emerges as a Preferred Target for Chinese Investment (7/19)

Burgeoning Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by China into the developed world is the focus of a recent report issued by The Bertelsmann Foundation, and aptly titled “Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany.”

The report’s scrupulously documented numerology on the increase of Chinese investment abroad is coupled with the eye-popping suggestion that Germany may ultimately overtake the U.S. as the leading destination for Chinese cash.