A Tangible Idea for U.S.-EU Summit -- Coordinate Development Assistance

By Anthony Luzzatto Gardner

Top-level focus on the single topic of better transatlantic teamwork on humanitarian assistance and development aid could help re-energize the anemic institution of U.S.-EU summits.


European Response to U.S. Elections? “Watchful-Waiting” on Foreign Policy

Most of America’s partners seem to judge that the electoral blow to President Barack Obama is bad news for a leader they like and proof that the U.S. public is moving farther away from the social values and other center-left views that amount to a broad consensus in much of the EU.


New Congress Will Slow U.S. Action On Climate Change - - But California Voters Endorse Their State’s Emission Curbs

Conservative control of the House of Representatives weakens the already-flagging momentum on climate-change legislation. Many new Congress members – Republicans (including Tea Party activists) – will expand the ranks opposing environmental action as too expensive or even denying the existence of global warming as a man-made problem.

UK Parliamentary Briefing Calls U.S. Vote a "Stage-Setter" for 2012 Presidential Ballot

The European Institute has received permission to publish a briefing (see text) given Wednesday to the All-Party Group on Transatlantic and International Security about the broad political implications of the U.S. vote this week. It is a group drawn from all three political parties in the House of Commons and in the House of Lords.