
Next Steps for Euro-Atlantic Security Integration

On November 12, 2013, The European Institute, in partnership with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia hosted a special meeting with The Honorable Roman Jakic, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia to discuss the future of Euro-Atlantic security integration. Minister Jakic focused on the prospects for greater regional cooperation in the Balkans, the prospects for NATO enlargement in 2014, and the vital role that NATO continues to play in insuring security for both Europe and the United States in a rapidly changing global strategic environment.

Click here to read Minister Jakic's remarks.


The Future of the Eurasian Economic Union

On October 30, 2013, The European Institute convened a special meeting with The Honorable Andrey Slepnev, Trade Minister for the Eurasian Economic Commission, to discuss the evolution of the Eurasian Economic Union and the implications for trade relations with both the EU and the United States. The discussion was moderated by Matthew Rojansky, Director of the Kennan Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.


Germany & the European Union under Merkel 3.0

On October 16, 2013, The European Institute convened a luncheon discussion with Jens Hanefeld, Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany on the resounding electoral victory earned by Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Christian Democratic Union. Mr. Hanefeld offered his analysis of the major trends revealed by last month’s elections, assessed the on-going quest for a governing coalition and the potential implications of Merkel 3.0 for the European Union and transatlantic relations.


Data Protection, Privacy & Security: Re-Establishing Trust between Europe and the United States

On October 29, 2013, The European Institute in cooperation with the European Parliament Liaison Office with the U.S. Congress convened a breakfast discussion with The Honorable Jan Philipp Albrecht, Rapporteur for the EU Regulation on Data Protection on the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice & Home Affairs (LIBE) and Commissioner Julie Brill, U.S. Federal Trade Commissioner. The meeting focused on the implications of recently revealed NSA data collection and the surveillance of EU citizens for transatlantic cyber-security cooperation. Particular attention was paid to the sustainability of the Safe Harbor Agreement, the impact of the EU’s Regulation on Data Protection, which recently passed through the LIBE Committee, as well as the potential effects of the revelations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership initiative. The discussion was moderated by Jim Halpert, Partner at DLA Piper.

Click here to read Commissioner Brill's remarks.


2013 Annual Meeting of the Members & Board of Advisors

On October 8, 2013 The European Institute held its Annual Meeting of the Members and Board of Advsiors at the Embassy of Greece, hosted by His Excellency Christos Panagopoulos, Ambassador of Greece to the United States.  Moderated by Nova Daly, Public Policy Consultant at Wiley Rein LLP, the panelists included: Christian Burgsmüller, Head of the Energy, Environment & Transport Section at the Delegation of the European Union; Ambassador Robert Hunter, Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies; and Michael Smart, Vice President at Rock Creek Global Advisors LLC.

The panel was followed by a dinner discussion with Antoine Ripoll, Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office with the U.S. Congress, who addressed the potential implications of the Parliament’s 2014 elections for the European Project and EU-U.S. relations.

  • Organized Labor in U.S. and Germany—Will it Survive?

    By Michael Mosettig

    To the union leaders who occupy offices inside, the big white building just north of Lafayette Square in Washington is known as The House of Labor. Encased on marble, with a view of the White House, it exudes the power that once belonged to leaders of American labor unions to help pick and elect Democratic Party presidents and push their agendas through Congress.

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UMD Jean Monnet Research Project

Infrastructure Planning and Financing: Lessons from Europe and the United States

The University of Maryland has received a Jean Monnet grant from the EU to conduct a series of policy exchanges between Europe and the US on filling infrastructure needs and the utility of public/private partnerships as the financing mechanism. If interested in participating in or receiving more information about these exchanges, please contact Rye McKenzie (

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New from the Bertelsmann Foundation

The Bertelsmann Foundation is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC with a transatlantic perspective on global challenges.

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Summer Course