Following the European Parliament’s recent initiatives to improve European-U.S. cooperation on data privacy and toward reaching an agreement on General Principles of Data Protection, a discussion was convened with a delegation of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, headed by The Hon. Jonathan Evans, Chairman of the Delegation for Relations with the U.S. James Halpert, Partner at DLA Piper served as the moderator. Members of the delegation, including Frieda Brepoels, Patrick Gaubert, Luis Herrero-Tejedor, Sophie in’t Veld, Piia-Nora Kauppi, Berès Prevench and Baroness Sarah Ludford, expressed the need for stronger transatlantic dialogue on data protection, particularly their concerns about SWIFT and PNR information exchange within a common framework for the safeguard of personal information in an environment of heightened security. The U.S. perspective was presented by Peter Chase, Director, Office of European Union and Regional Affairs, U.S. Department of State and Matthew McCabe, Counsel, House Committee on Homeland Security. They expressed their belief that a solution can be found on oversight discussions, as the U.S. and EU share similar values.