On March 22, 2012, The European Institute held a seminar to mark the release of the European Commission's new Animal Welfare Strategy. The seminar brought together experts from the European Commission, U.S. government, business, non-profit organizations and academia who compared and contrasted animal welfare policies in the EU and the U.S., and explored the growing role that the private sector is playing in resolving animal welfare issues. Speakers included: The Honorable Jim Moran (D-VA), Co-Chair of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus, U.S. House of Representatives; François Rivasseau, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union; Carlos Alvarez Antolinez, Minister Counselor, Food Safety, Health & Consumer Affairs, Delegation of the European Union; Philip Brasher, Editor, Executive Briefing, Agriculture and Food, CQ Roll Call; Chuck Eggert, CEO, Pacific Natural Foods; David Fikes, Food Marketing Institute; Andrea Gavinelli, Head of Unit, Animal Welfare, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission; Dena Jones, Farm Animal Program Manager, Animal Welfare Institute; Linda Keeling, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Judit Krommer, Legislative Officer for Animal Welfare, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission; Cathy Liss, President, Animal Welfare Institute; Janice Neitzel, Sustainable Solutions Group; Dr. Kenneth Petersen, Assistant Administrator, Office of Field Operations, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Annechien ten Have Mellema, President, LTO - Dutch National Pig Farmers Organization; and Professor Adroaldo Zanella of the Scottish Agricultural College.